with Sri Ganesh

AUM VINAAYAKAAYA NAMAH To invoke the golden age and its mastery

AUM DHUMRAKETAVE NAMAH To maintain peace in times of havoc

AUM GANADHYAKSHAAYA NAMAH To channel healing forces over a group

AUM BHAALACHANDRAAYA NAMAH To unite with the source of nectar (the center with the crescent moon, Shiva’s power of peace and growth)

AUM GAJAANANAAYA NAMAH For the vast memory of Aum to replace the ego

Sri Ganesh, From your Quiet, Silent Mass Rises a joyous Fire

Of Beauty, Tenderness and Progress, A Flaming of Clean, Harmonious Light And within it As jeweled lines and figures Are the powers Of t rue Dharma –

And thus you appear As Her Blessings For the Way, Seeding one’s heart With Freedom and joy...


- 23-12-11:

... A man I do not know has offered Rs. 10/- after his pranam... ... Perumal has requested me to name his baby son who was born on the 21 st ; the request is confused, as his family and relatives have sought traditional advice and now expect the name to begin with certain letters or sounds, which differ in Tamil and Sanskrit... However, Perumal has decided to follow his heart and to take the


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