with Sri Ganesh

Of the Great Yajna –

And as you appear, Wearing the crown of your unique Lineage, The offerings are gathered

And embraced, The Nectar drips And Matter sings…

- 25-12-11;

Christmas, Sunday, Parthy does the puja and Ganeshji is a bright, steady flame of generous, refined Prosperity...

- 26-12-11:

... The night was very cool and the air very still, but now a breeze has risen...

Sri Ganesh, Lovely and Festive you appear,

The Wandering Knight, Whose every movement Is Rhythmic Sound To celebrate the Shakti’s Myriad moods and feelings, Her Wealth of Expression and Experience,

Her Surrender Infinite To the lord’s Delight In Existence –

And thus, in this Subtle fashion, Do you raise all willing souls To Trust and Freedom In the One...

In the afternoon Parthy and I cycle back here to scrub and wash and shine the interior of the shrine, to welcome the new year...


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