with Sri Ganesh

- 03-01-12:

... With the warmer air a thick mist rose from the ground this morning... The amount of sheer physical work before us is daunting... The path to the next level of harmony and equilibrium appears arduous..., but it is calling... There isn’t time really to sit and write, or else I must shift position and be more attuned to the witness than to the instrument... For, after all, it is perhaps mere egoism, or self-serving pursuit, to be seeking harmony, order and peace in Matter? In destruction, in chaos too, there is harmony: no manifestation, even the most monstrous according to our standards, can come about without a basic underlying harmony... So, what is it we do call harmony? It is the sense of the Presence in the physical world, the sense of it being adored in Matter, its birthing of beauty, love and deep tranquility – as delight, as ecstasy, as the multiplied song of its Joy... ... There is a large presence of police on the roads today, for the imminent visit of Chidambaram, the Central Minister of Home Affairs, to Auroville.... Yesterday evening Parthy came here with 5 of his relatives to try and straighten the remaining stump of the large “Nag lingam” tree which was felled, next to the Shiva Lingam on its altar – which its roots had also lifted from the ground... I had been counting on finding a good team to help cut and clear all the damaged or fallen trees, taking the wood as payment for their cutting, carrying and repairing work, as I did three years ago, both here and in Sincerity. But we found that the Auroville “organizers” had the bright idea to declare illegal all such transaction and to instruct everyone that all the wood constitutes an asset of the collectivity and must be kept in Auroville, and assuring everybody, quite short-sightedly, that teams will be formed to collect all the wood from every community and store it for further internal use... Sri Ganesh seems to be holding In his keeping and care The roots and base elements Of the rebuilding of harmony...


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