with Sri Ganesh

... The headman offers Rs. 10/-

- 17-01-12:

Sri Ganesh, Lone Festive Rider,

You quietly move Around and about, Odd and Beautiful and Tender, To provide Surges of confidence, trust and courage To all open hearts –

Sweet and strong, You quietly ride Midst gods and men, And sometimes your cohorts Surround you

And sometimes Only you appear And the path you cleave With your fearless knowing Is one Of surrendered creative harmony...


- 18-01-12:

... Vijayakumari comes in to do her pranams and offers Rs. 50/-; visiting for a moment, she reveals to me that she had a long conversation on the phone with Madhu last year, during which she told him quite brutally and very clearly of Kusum’s love for me (and how wrong he has been in trying to harm me)... ... Another Rs. 20/- were offered (the elder and the headman)...

Today Sri Ganesh You wear the mantle Of the Great Compassion, This compassion that is contained In the rays of the Sun And travels the darkness


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