Kaplan + Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry, 11e


Chapter 1: Neural Sciences

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tolerability in rodents over the course of the day. Much of this difference is attributed to circadian variations in the body’s ability to absorb, distribute, metabolize, and eliminate toxic compounds. These four processes are affected by underlying circadian rhythms in physiological processes such as daily variations in gastric pH, gastrointestinal mobility, glomerular filtration rate, and membrane viscosity. The rhythmic intake of food during traditionally timed meals also influences how ther- apeutic drugs are handled by the body. It is becoming clear that to maximize efficacy and minimize toxicity of drugs, the circa- dian phase of administration must be considered. Appropriate circadian timing of the administration of multiple drugs can be a daunting challenge to infirmed individuals or their caretakers. The development of small implanted programmable pumps that can be directed to administer anticancer drugs or other thera- peutics at particular times of day may provide a limited solution to this challenge. The emergence of the field of chronotherapy is a reflection of our increased understanding of the impact of the circadian system on the effectiveness of pharmacological treatments.

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