Lockton Health and Safety Manual
at the time of the accident/incident and also complete a secondary accident form the following working day. If a major incident occurs please contact Lockton Facilities Direct using the details on the homepage. Hosting an Event This places a far greater degree of responsibility on you as well as on Lockton, as far as possible the use of third party organisations should be considered to host and provide the event. If you do decide to host an event yourself then the guidelines here should be followed. You are responsible for the safety of your invited guests, the third party event organiser exists to help you meet your responsibilities as well as making the event work smoothly and successfully. Use of a third party organised service Associates should ensure that they instruct the company or organisation providing the event to provide written confirmation that they have carried out all the appropriate risk assessments covering all the aspects of the event being provided and that the event instructions and control of guests are then provided in accordance with the guidelines developed from the assessment. Any information issued by the event providers that covers health and safety should be issued to guests as part of the general invitation and confirmation of attendance details. If there are any concerns on health and safety during the event then these should be recorded and raised with the host on the day and then details of this concern passed back to Facilities for further investigation, using the H&S help page. Organising and hosting an event directly This is a very much more onerous issue than may first be expected and if hosting all or part of an event then the following should be adhered to. The process outlined here is not exhaustive and other
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