Lockton Health and Safety Manual

asbestos, and produce a plan of work detailing how such work  is to be carried out;  • Either prevent exposure to asbestos or reduce it to as low a  level as is reasonably practicable.  Lockton will implement appropriate management arrangements and  provide sufficient resources to carry out its legal duties imposed by  the Asbestos Regulations.  Legionnaires Disease  There is potential for legionella bacteria to proliferate in water  temperatures between 20‐45 o c and they can cause a potentially fatal  type of pneumonia.  The risk is most significant where water droplets  can be produced and dispersed.  To address this – the following  measures are taken:   The water system will be assessed by a competent person  which will highlight any additional precautions (or  modifications) required.  This may be organised by the  landlord.   Periodic checks will be performed in line with the water system  assessment if necessary, again these maybe by the landlord.   A minimum of annual services will be performed upon water  heating systems.   Any unused outlet will be flushed through monthly for a  minimum of two minutes (e.g. showers plus dismantle, clean  and descale removable parts of shower heads, inserts and  hoses).   Monitoring for legionella is carried out as recommended by the  water system risk assessment (see first point above).


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