the sun in the East, putting to flight the darkness. In Freemasonry, the East is the seat of the Master of a lodge, from whom, at least in theory, proceeds all Masonic knowledge. Brethren “approach the East in search of light.” This is Masonic language for approaching the source in search of knowledge. Engrave . To cut figures or letters into wood or metal. Entered Apprentice Degree. A symbol of youth. The word apprentice comes through the French prendre from the Latin praehendere , to take, to hold, to seize. An apprentice is one who has been taken by a more skilled worker to learn. Equivocation . To avoid committing oneself to what one says; uncertainty; uncertain or questioning disposition of mind. Etch . To produce as a pattern on a hard surface by eating into the material’s surface as with acid or a laser beam. Fellow . A member of a group having common characteristics; an associate; an equal in rank or power or character. Fortitude. Strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger, or bear pain or adversity, with steadfastness.


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