darkness, which will be displaced by light when and if the initiate succeeds in penetrating the mysteries before him. House Not Made With Hands . That which lies beyond death; the world of spiritual truth. Immemorial . Extending or existing since beyond the reach of memory. Indite . To write down; to put down in writing. Initiatic Of, or relating to, initiation. Initiation . A new undertaking; the beginning of a new approach or perspective on one’s life; the process of becoming a part of a group or organization which involves personal transformation. Intrinsic . Belonging to a thing by its very nature; the essential nature or constitution of a thing; inherent; in and of itself. Invest . To give; to furnish; to clothe. Inviolate . Not broken or disregarded; not told to others; respected. Jacob’s Ladder. Symbol of hope, faith and charity. Modern Bible translations use love in place of charity. The “charity” which extends beyond the grave though the “boundless realms of eternity” is more than giving to the poor. It truly is “love” which extends through eternity, and brotherly love is one of the great teachings of


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