The Gazette 1910-11

[APRIL, 1911.

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Years' Convertible Gold Bonds ; Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Paul Railway 4 per Cent. General Mortgage Bonds, 1989 ; Illinois Central Railway 4 per Cent. Gold Bonds, 1953 ; Minneapolis, Sr. Paul, and Sault St. Marie Railway 4 per Cent. First Mortgage Gold Bonds ; New York Central and Michigan Collateral 3£ per Cent. 1998 Gold Bonds ; Norfolk and Western Railway 4 per Cent. First Lien and General Mortgage 1944 Gold Bonds ; Pennsylvania Railway 4 per Cent. Consolidated Mortgage Bonds, 1948 ; Southern Pacific Railway 4 per Cent. Central Pacific Collateral Gold Bonds ; Southern Pacific Railway 4 per Cent. 20 Years' Con vertible Gold Bonds ; Southern Pacific Rail way 4 per Cent. First Refunding Gold Bonds ; Union Pacific Railway 4 per Cent. First Lien and Refunding Mortgage Gold Bonds ; Argentine Great Western Railway 4 per Cent. First Debenture Stock; Argentine Great Western Railway 4 per Cent. Second Irre deemable Debenture Stock ; Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway 4 per Cent. First Deben ture Stock ; and the Buenos Aires and Pacific Railway 4-J per Cent. Second Debenture Stock. In reply to a question by LORD ORANMORE AND BROWNE, THE EARL OF GRANARD stated that the additions to the list would in future be published quarterly. NOTE.—The list of investments previously sanctioned, appeared in the GAZETTE of August, 1910. Recent Decisions affecting Solicitors. (Notes of decisions, whether in reported or unreported cases, of interest to Solicitors, are invited from Members.)

payment of duty in any case where the Com missioners have required security ; or (c) "A stamp denoting that upon the occasion in question no increment value duty was payable." Irish Land Act, 1909. INVESTMENTS SANCTIONED BY THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE. IN the House of Lords upon 20th March, 1911, the EARL OF DONOUGHMORE asked His Majesty's Government whether any invest ments had been sanctioned by the Public Trustee under the Irish Land Act, 1909, in addition to those mentioned in the list given by the Chief Secretary in another place on July 6 last. THE EARL OF GRANARD.—The securities sanctioned by the Public Trustee (Ireland) under the Irish Land Act, 1909, in addition to those mentioned in the list given by the Chief Secretary on July 6, 1910, are :— Argentine Government 4-J- per Cent. Internal Gold Loan, 1888 ; Argentine Government 4 per Cent. Rescission Bonds ; Argentine Government 5 per Cent. 1884 Bonds ; Argentine Government 4 per Cent. 1897 Bonds ; Brazilian Government 4 per Cent. 1910 Loan ; Brazilian Government 4| per Cent. 1888 Loan ; Brazilian Government 5 per Cent. 1908 Loan ; Brazilian Govern ment 5 per Cent. 1895 Loan ; Cuban Govern ment 4| per Cent. Gold Bonds ; Chilian Government 5 per Cent. 1905 Loan ; Chilian Government 5 per Cent. 1896 Bonds ; Chinese Government 5 per cent. 1896 Gold Bonds ; Chinese Government 5 per Cent. Tientsin-Pukow Railway Loan ; Chilian Government 5 per Cent. New Loan; Egyptian Government 3£ per Cent. Pre ference ; Greek Government 4 per Cent. Railway Loan, 1902 ; Mexican Government 5 per Cent. Gold Loan ; Russian Government 4| per Cent. Gold 1909 Loan ; Siamese Government 4£ per Cent. Sterling Bonds ; Salvador Republic 6 per Cent. Sterling Bonds; Spanish Government 4 per Cent. Sealed Bonds; San Paulo 5 per Cent. Treasury Bonds ; Uruguay 3£ per Cent. Bonds ; Baltimore and Ohio Railway Company 4 per Cent. First Mortgage Gold Bonds ; Chesa peake and Ohio Railway 4£ per Cent. 20

KING'S BENCH DIVISION. (Before Dodd J.) Bishop v. Bishop.

\ Feb. 20, 1911.— Petition for divorce a mensa | et thoro—Husband petitioner—Decree \ granted—Order made for payment by respondent of petitioner's costs. THIS was a petition by the husband lor divorce a mcnsa et thoro on the ground ol the wife's adultery; the petition was not

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