The Gazette 1910-11


The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


Section 18 was considered, and it was decided not to oppose the granting of the application. Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, section 17. It was resolved, upon the Report of the Court of Examiners, to recommend the rule- making authority under the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, to make a regulation exempting those seeking to be bound as apprentices who have passed the Matricula tion Examination of the National University of Ireland or of the Queen's University of Belfast, from being required to pass the Preliminary Examination of the Society. The regulation will be found in this GAZETTE. Costs Committee. In reply to a query as to the liability of a lessor who is himself a lessee, to furnish at his own expense to his sub-lessee his title to make the lease and also searches, the Committee reported as follows, and the report was adopted :—" In the absence of an agree- " ment to the contrary, a lessor, who is " himself a lessee, is bound at his own " expense, if required, to show his title to " make the lease and to furnish searches." November ZQth. Extra-Ordinary Members. A letter was read from the Northern Law Society submitting the names of the following members of that Society to be extra-ordinary members of the Council :—Mr. J. D. Coates, Mr. C. W. Black, Mr. M. J. Burke, Mr. J. W. McNinch, and Mr. G. B. Wilkins. A letter was read from the Southern Law Association submitting the names of the following members of that Association to be extra-ordinary members of the Council :— Mr. W. Guest Lane, Mr. A. Blake, Mr. F. Hall, Mr. A. H. Julian, and Mr. W. Thornhill. The ten members nominated were declared duly elected as the ten extra-ordinary members of the Council for the year ending 26th November, 1911. Bankruptcy Costs. The President informed the Council that, as requested, he had asked Mr. Justice Boyd to give directions to have the form of affidavit of credits applicable to Bankruptcy Costs altered so as to obviate the necessity of personal attendance at Court of the

Scholarship, was submitted and adopted. The list of successful candidates appears in this GAZETTE. Certificate. An application, under Section 47, by a Solicitor for liberty to take out his certificate was submitted and was granted. Annual Report. The Draft Annual Report of the Council was considered and amended, and as amended was adopted. November 16th. House of Lords Appeals. A letter was read from the Hon. Secretary of the General Council of the Bar of Ireland intimating that the Bar Council saw no reason for altering their view, already expressed, relative to fees to Irish Counsel in House of Lords Appeals. The correspon dence on this subject appears in this GAZETTE. Transfers for Nominal Consideration. The attention of the Council was drawn to the circular to Secretaries of public com panies, issued upon 17th June by the Board of Inland Revenue, intimating that in cases of transfers for nominal consideration, where the transferee is a well-known bank, a certificate as to the correctness of the fixed duty by an accredited representative of the bank may be accepted, or a satisfactory certificate given by a member of a Stock Exchange acting for one or other of the parties to the transfer may be accepted. It was resolved to request the Board of Inland Revenue to intimate to Secretaries of com panies that the certificate of a Solicitor acting for either of the parties as to the correctness of the fixed duty on a transfer might also be accepted. Court cf Examiners. A report of the Court of Examiners upon two applications by law clerks for leave to be bound under Section 16 was con sidered ; one of the applications was granted, the other was refused. Preliminary Examination. A Memorial from a law clerk seeking a modified preliminary examination under

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