The Gazette 1910-11

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


[JANUARY, 1911.

Certificates. Affidavits of two Solicitors in support of applications to obtain certificates to practise were considered : in one case an order was made granting the application, the considera tion of the other case was postponed. Illegal Conveyancing. A letter was read in reply from the Registrar of Petty Sessions Clerks stating that he had communicated with the Petty Sessions Clerk in reference to the allegation made to the Council, and which is referred to in the proceedings of the Council of the 7th inst., that he had prepared a deed for remuneration in the year 1908, and that he had received a reply from the Clerk stating that he did not receive any remunera tion for the preparation of the deed in question, nor had he ever received any remuneration for any deed prepared by him. Statutory Committee. A letter was read from the Secretary to the Lord Chancellor, intimating that His Lordship had appointed the following seven members of the Council to be the Statutory Committee under Section 34 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, for the year ending 26th November, 1911 :—Mr. Meredith, Sir A. F. Baker, Mr. Fry, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Macnamara, Mr. Shannon and Mr. Stanuell. Court of Examiners and Committees. The Court of Examiners and the Com mittees of the Council for the year ending 26th November, 1911, were appointed. Parliamentary Elections. The following resolution was adopted :— Resolved : " That in the opinion of the Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland the practice of appointing a person other than a Solicitor to act as Election Agent at a Parliamentary Election, adopted in the Saint Stephen's Green Division of Dublin in January, 1910, and followed in the same Division in December, 1910, is contrary to the practice which has heretofore prevailed in Ireland, and should be discouraged." A copy of this resolution was directed to be sent to the Honorary Secretaries of the City of Dublin Unionist Registration Association.

taken upon behalf of the Society to the English Solicitor so acting in this country. December Hlh. Board of Trade Inquiry. The Secretary reported that, as instructed, he had upon the 7th inst. attended at the Board of Trade Inquiry then being held at the Four Courts under the Merchant Shipping Acts, and that he had objected, upon behalf of the Society, to the appearance upon behalf of one of the parties interested in the Inquiry, of an English Solicitor, and that the presiding Magistrate (Mr. E. G. Swifte) had ruled that it was not competent for the English Solicitor so to act. Taxing Office. A letter was read from the Taxing Masters in reply intimating that the notice which had appeared in the Legal Diary, and relative to which the Council had made inquiry, was applicable to cases appearing in the lists for taxation during the present sittings only. Petty Sessions Proceedings. A letter was read from a country member drawing attention to proceedings at a Petty Sessions Court, brought for trespass in pursuit of game, in which the land agent of the complainant stated in Court that he appeared upon behalf of the complainant. It appeared that the defendants pleaded guilty, and the agent stating that he did not press the case, it was dismissed. It was decided to write to the agent drawing, his attention to the illegality of his appearing upon behalf of the complainant, and requiring an explanation of his action in doing so. Receipts for Fees to Counsel. The attention of the Council having been drawn to the announcement made by the Assistant Secretary and Comptroller of Stamps and Taxes, to the effect that an acknowledgment by a Barrister for a fee of £2 and upwards, whether in the form of a receipt or by initials, is liable to the stamp duty of one penny as a receipt, it was decided to communicate with the Bar Council upon this subject in order to secure uniformity of practice in the matter.

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