2013 Spring newsletter

Committee appointments are made annually by the current IAAO President and approved by the Board of Directors. The thirteen committees include: Technical Assistance, Research, Membership Services, Councils & Sections, Planning & Rules, Chapters & Affiliates, Communications, Education, USPAP, Conference Content, CEAA Special Committee, Instructor Relations Sub-Committee and Professional Designa- tions Sub Committee. The second Leadership Days will be held the first week of November to follow up committee goals and to assess the outcome of the annual conference.

Article Contributor: Alice Weinberg, Community Service Director,

Seminole County


The IAAO Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration is the highest professional honor a jurisdiction can obtain. The Florida Chapter of the IAAO is proud to have nine (9) jurisdictions that have qualified for the IAAO’s Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration. At the last IAAO Annual Conference Florida jurisdictions represented nearly half of all of the jurisdictions that have achieved this recognition. The Certificate of Excellence recognizes and requires a high level of ap- praisal and assessment proficiency and teamwork throughout the entire office. The Florida Chapter would like to encourage other Florida Property Appraiser’s offices to obtain a Cer- tificate of Excellence and keep our State and our Chapter at the forefront of appraisal and assessment practices. The Certificate of Excellence recognizes the hard work of the entire staff. Candidates for the Certificate of Excellence will learn about their organization’s strengths and weaknesses and further develop the strong office teamwork and group achievement that is required to complete the Certifi- cate’s rigorous requirements.

In addition to the recognition as an industry leader that the jurisdiction achieves with the Certificate of Excellence, other benefits include:

Enhancing the public trust Promoting staff and individual professionalism Focusing staff on strategic goals Developing additional staff teamwork Boosting staff morale

If you are interested, additional information about the IAAO Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration can be found in the ―Awards & Recognition‖ section of the IAAO website or you can send your questions directly to the IAAO staff liaison for the Certificate of Excellence in Assessment Administration Special Committee via email to excellence@iaao.org .

Article Contributor: Bill Wadsworth, Radiant Software Inc., IAAO Research Committee


Spring 2013 Newsletter of the FCIAAO

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