3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

5.4.2 Challenges and Solutions

Table 2: Challenges and proposed solutions


Proposed Solutions



Cultural Change: Adopting microservices and cloud based systems necessitates a shift in organizational culture towards agility, continuous learning, and collaboration. Skill Requirements: Implementing and managing microservices architectures requires new skills and expertise, necessitating training or hiring specialized personnel.

Integration Complexity: Ensuring seamless communication and data

Adopting API Gateways: Facilitate secure and efficient communication between microservices.

consistency between microservices can be challenging.

Implementing Service Meshes: Enhance service-to service communication with added security, monitoring, and reliability.

Security: Microservices increase the attack surface, requiring comprehensive security strategies to protect data and services.

Continuous Training and Skill Development: Investing in ongoing education and training programs to equip teams with the necessary skills.

Data Management: Maintaining data integrity and consistency across distributed services requires careful design and management.

Source: own elaboration

5.5 Future Trends and Directions

5.5.1 Emerging Technologies in Microservices and Cloud Computing The future of microservices and cloud computing in warehouse management is likely to be influenced by advancements in technologies such as serverless computing, artificial intelligence, and edge computing. Serverless architectures could further simplify scalability and operational efficiency, while AI and machine learning can enhance predictive analytics and automation. Edge computing might improve real-time data processing capabilities, particularly for IoT devices in warehouse environments.


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