3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Achievable evaluation: Establish post-training support plans that are sustainable over the long term, considering resource availability and organizational capabilities. Relevant evaluation: Establish ongoing support mechanisms that include regular checks to ensure the continued relevance of acquired skills in participants’ evolving roles. Time-based evaluation: Conduct a timely analysis of participants’ on-the-job performance, allowing for prompt evaluation and insights into the immediate impact of the training.

Achievable implementation: Introduce real-world applications gradually, allowing participants to build skills incrementally and ensuring achievable progress. Schedule assessments at realistic intervals. Relevant implementation: Design training modules as quests, each unlocking a new level of skills and knowledge, making the learning journey relevant and adventurous. Time-based implementation: Integrate a timeline for each training module, allowing for a structured progression and completion of content within the planned training period.

Achievable planning: Conduct a feasibility analysis to ensure that identified skill gaps are achievable through training interventions. Ensure that the number of participants selected is manageable, allowing for effective and personalized training delivery. Relevant planning: Frame training objectives as exciting space missions, ensuring they are not only relevant to organizational goals but also spark participants’ curiosity and enthusiasm. Time-based planning: Define training objectives with clear time-bound milestones, ensuring that the desired outcomes

are achieved within the established timeframe.

Source: Author owns elaboration

4. Discussion The primary objective of this research paper is to underscore the critical importance of employee development processes within the automotive industry. As a foundational framework to support this objective, the author introduced the SMART training concept, providing a comprehensive perspective on integrating SMART principles within training initiatives. This conceptual framework is a valuable resource for training instructors, enabling them to structure training activities systematically and efficiently. By embracing the principles of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals, training programs can be tailored to meet the evolving needs of the automotive workforce, fostering continuous growth and development. The proposed conceptualization of SMART training resonates with efficiency and systematic organization objectives. Inherently diverse and multifaceted training activities can now be harmonized by applying SMART principles. Instructors are empowered to plan and execute training phases meticulously, ensuring alignment with industry requirements, quantifiable advancements, and adherence to predetermined schedules. Such an approach not only optimizes the allocation of resources but also enhances the overall effectiveness of employee development endeavours. A significant outcome of implementing SMART training is the empowerment of training


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