3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

of it (ideally a shared server under trustee‘s supervision or other solutions working on similar principles) would also need to ensure the protection of their IPR. • Finding a way to secure that those data that may pose a threat to users’ privacy and security (and will always require their active consent to share) can be accessed by a trusted aftermarket in a timely manner and on acceptable terms. The same should be true for secure aftermarket access to car functions and resources. Car users have to agree if someone wants to upgrade or add features to their cars, even repeatedly during their lifetime. Here, the aftermarket should be present with its offer already when the car is selected and purchased, i.e. it should be able to approach the driver at the same time as the dealer and the original manufacturer, so that the aftermarket is not at a permanent disadvantage. To do this, it should have framework agreements with all car manufacturers in advance, which would be specified and activated for a particular owner’s car on the basis of his request or consent. Thus, there should be an ecosystem in which all interested independent operators are participants (without being included in the network of those “authorised” or dependent on a specific car manufacturer) and whose parameters are standardised by EU Regulation in such a way that framework agreements and their additions and activations for specific cases of access to data, functions and resources are not difficult to conclude and fulfil. Here again, a shared server under trustee’s supervision could be used for sensitive data, metadata and information on software solutions for vehicle functions, and an on-board application telematic platform could be used in the future could be used in the future for access to resources of individual vehicles, through which the user could make informed and secure choices about which personal services to order, which new functions to acquire for his vehicle, and what all their providers should have access to. Disclosure statement: No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.


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