3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

In summary, these codes collectively point toward the need for an integrated approach to employee education in the automotive sector. Education should align with industry trends, promote innovation, embrace sustainability, balance theory and practice, foster collaboration, and prepare employees for future challenges in a wholistic purpose-driven manner. This approach can contribute to the long-term success and competitiveness of companies in the automotive industry. 4. Results and Findings In exploring the reskilling and upskilling of automotive workers amid industry transitions, this study adopted a Grounded Theory approach. The methodology, rooted in systematic data collection and analysis, sought to develop theories empirically, focusing on the experiences of workers adapting to technological and sustainable practices in the automotive sector. The study analyzed seven interviews with automotive workers, complemented by discussions with three learning and development experts. This diverse range of participants provided a comprehensive perspective on the evolving landscape of the automotive industry, especially in terms of upskilling and reskilling needs. Findings revealed that automotive workers expressed hesitancy and concern regarding the future and the security of their jobs amidst the industry’s transition. This widespread apprehension underscores the critical need for reassurance and clear communication from leadership about the direction of these changes and how they will impact the workforce. It’s essential to address these fears directly, providing information and support to help employees navigate the evolving landscape of the automotive sector. The implementation of well-targeted upskilling and reskilling initiatives, coupled with clear communication, can significantly aid in mitigating these concerns, demonstrating a proactive approach to ensuring employees are prepared and confident in their roles within the changing automotive industry. Regarding the effectiveness of reskilling and upskilling initiatives, the study uncovered that while these programs are recognized as crucial, gaps exist in their execution. Workers expressed the need for more practical training that aligns closely with the emerging demands of the industry. This aligns with the research objective to assess the impact of industry shifts on job roles and skill requirements, indicating a shift in the skills landscape. The feedback from both workers and L&D experts highlighted the need for comprehensive training programs that blend theoretical knowledge with practical application. Such a wholistic approach in training, catering to varied worker needs and continuously adapting to industry trends, is essential for effective workforce development. In conclusion, this study underscores the complexities of workforce development in the automotive industry amidst its transformation. The findings point towards the need for dynamic, adaptable, and responsive reskilling and upskilling initiatives. These programs should not only equip workers with new skills but also support them through the industry’s ongoing evolution, ensuring they remain competitive and prepared for future challenges. This study thus contributes valuable insights into workforce


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