3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

The fight for the European car market Tereza Hrtúsová 1 , Tomáš Kozelský 2 , Radek Novák 3

ČESKÁ SPOŘITELNA, A. S. Economic and Strategic Research Budějovická 1518/13b, Praha 4, 140 00 Czech Republic e-mail: tkozelsky@csas.cz 2

Abstract This paper focuses on the development of the European passenger car market. It looks in detail at the evolution, recent trends and changes in new car registrations in the EU. It goes deeper into the sales and market shares of individual car companies and brands and examines how the competitive dynamics between them have changed. In addition to European brands, the paper also focuses on the emergence of non-European players. It focuses on the penetration of Asian and American brands in the European market. The main conclusion is that despite notable shifts in the market shares, European brands and concerns have been able to maintain their positions in the EU and EU15 markets. Keywords: European automotive market, automotive industry, sales JEL Classification: L62, D12, D22, L81 1. Introduction The European automotive market plays a crucial role in the overall economy of the European Union. The performance of this market, particularly in terms of new passenger car registrations, serves as a reflection of the economic cycle and its impact on consumer behaviour. Understanding the dynamics of the European car market is essential for industry stakeholders and policymakers alike, especially in these challenging times in the automotive industry. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the market’s development, trends, and changes in new passenger car registrations within the EU. Additionally, it explores the competitive landscape by examining the sales and market shares of both European and non-European car companies. By focusing on the penetration of Asian and American brands in the European market, this study offers insights into the evolving dynamics and competition within the European automotive industry. 2. Source of European passenger car market data The aim of this article is to provide an analysis of the trends observed in the European passenger car market, focusing not only on European, Japanese, American and Korean brands, but also on individual concerns. To put the European market into a global context, we use data from the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA).


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