3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Figure 2: EU27 +EFTA+UK share of total registrations worldwide

Source: OICA Asia has long been the region with the largest share of sales. Figure 3 shows that as recently as 2005, the European and the Asian region had the same share of world passenger car sales (34% for the European and 33% for Asia). While the European’s share has gradually declined since then, the Asian region has become increasingly dominant. Since 2010, Asia’s share of global passenger car registrations has been practically half of the total, and in 2020 it exceeded 60%. In 2022, the Asian region accounted for 65% of total passenger car sales, with China alone accounting for 41%.

Figure 3: Development of passenger car registrations by continent (%)

Source: OICA


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