3rd ICAI 2024

International Conference on Automotive Industry 2024

Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic

Figure 4: Relationship of growth and invesment rate

Source: authors’ calculations We can also compare our research with the results of Koller, Goedhart, and Wessles (2020) presented in their textbook. The authors place the automotive sector in a group with a decreasing ROIC trend and the automotive components sector in a group with a steadily medium ROIC. From our research, we cannot confirm the downward trend, but we lean towards the stated-mean ROIC values when examining the automotive industry as a whole. We also examined the growth trend. According to their conclusions, growth is characterised by considerable fluctuation and cyclicality, which we can also confirm. They also mention that ROIC is a relatively stable variable for individual firms and is easier to maintain than growth values, which we also agree with.

4. Conclusion

4.1 Meeting the Objectives The first objective was to examine the relationship between ROIC and WACC variables. This objective was met and stability in the evolution of these values was found. At the same time, apart from the receding crisis in 2009, ROIC is higher than


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