CAI-NJ Aug.2018 (w)


T his month’s theme is “Hitting Your Marks” and I’d like to ask you if we at CAI-NJ are hitting our marks. I can tell you that the entire staff and all our volunteers (the board and committees) work very hard to give all of our members value and to increase the knowledge and com- petency of our community’s management and functionality. This year’s board is undertaking a few major initiatives for 2018 including finalizing and implementing a short and long term strategic plan, updating our policies and praocedures and combining all of our policies (financial procedures and employee handbook) into one operational document. All of our committees are well into their tasks for this year and I can say that they are the strongest and most passionate since I have come on board here at CAI-NJ. A few recent highlights are the FAST committee’s intro- duction of the “Professional Development Series.” Their first program was the “Introduction to Public Speaking” program which ran for four consecutive weeks. The series consisted of (4) two-hour sessions held during the early eve- ning. It was a great program taught by Professor Nicole Pace-Addeo. The FAST committee is looking to continue this and other programs during the fall of this year. A special thanks to FAST committee chairs Lauren Vadenais and Kristy Winchock and the entire FAST team for creating these professional development classes available to all our members. The Business Partner committee added a new program for our hi-rise members called the “Hi-Rise Summit.” This seminar is geared towards our managers, professionals and board members that are involved in the hi-rise market. We had a better than expected turnout for the initial event held on July 10th at the Liberty House in Jersey City.

“We are excited to approach another membership milestone. At the end of May we hit 1,894 total members. This is 228 more than the we had at the end of May 2017.” We are excited to approach another membership mile- stone. At the end of May we hit 1,894 total members. This is 228 more than the we had at the end of May 2017. Our ultimate goal is to reach 2,000 members by the end of September. The easiest way to do this is to reach out to all of the boards that you are in contact with and have them take advantage of the “3 to 15” program introduced by CAI last fall. More details on this program can be found on page 44. Our Membership Committee, chaired up by Lysa Bergenfeld and Nick Haralambopoulos are doing I hope that you take advantage of all the programs that our committees and staff have put together for you. There are always opportunities for our members to get better educated and for our business partners to share ideas and contacts with other industry colleagues. After each event, we send out a questionnaire to the attendees asking for their thoughts on the program. Please take the time to reply as this is one of our top methods to see if we are “hitting our marks.” n an exemplary job pushing this campaign along with other ideas to get additional managers to join our chapter.

See page 44 for information on the “3 to 15” program — one low price for CAI Membership for boards of 3-15 members! Tell your boards to enroll all their members!


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