Associate Sep/Oct 2015

S E P T 2 0 1 4 O C T


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beautiful weather on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Associates Maryland Delaware Chapter hosted its annual golf tournament at the DuPont Country Club in Wilmington, Delaware. The tournament is the MD-DE Chapter’s premier fundraising event for the scholar- ship fund and Special Olympics. One hundred twenty four (124) golfers comprising thirty one (31) teams enjoyed a beautiful August day on one of the DuPont Country Club’s nationally re- nowned courses. The day began with a shotgun start at 9:00 and concluded with a lunch on the DuPont Country Club’s outside covered patio. The winners of the golf tourna- ment were Boe Kowalewski , Wayne Johnson , Jeff Klobier , & Mike Gross . Additionally the winners of the longest drive were Geoff Jones (men) and Laura O’Sullivan (women.) A heartfelt special thank you to all of the sponsors who made generous monetary donations. n On October 1, 2014, the newest Delaware-Maryland Chapter members, who just completed the 257th Session of the National Academy, joined the Chapter’s Executive Board at the FBI Baltimore Office for a lunch meeting. During lunch they shared their experiences with three of the four area police officers slated to begin the 258th session on October 6, 2014. n On Friday, October 3, 2014, one hundred and thirty (130) FBI- NAA Maryland-Delaware Chapter members and guests attended the Annual Crab Feast at the Fisherman’s Crab Deck in Kent Narrows, Maryland. This event is one of the most popular chapter networking events with great food, drinks, and an abundance of large heavy delicious Chesa- peake Bay crabs. This year’s event did not disappoint and was enhanced with the continued

NEW YORK/E. CANADA n Detective Lieutenant Marc J. Alberti , 189 Session retired from the Town

of East Fishkill Police Depart- ment on October 10, 2014, after 25 years of service.

Marc Alberti

The 257th session graduates were (L-R) Sgt. Tim Lowe (Annapolis Maryland Police Dept.), Sgt. Scott Rieger (Newark Delaware Police Dept.), Major Duane Williams (Harford County Maryland Sherriff’s Office), & Lt. Lamart Martin (Baltimore Maryland County Police Dept.).

n Deputy Chief Daniel J. McDonald , 202nd Session retired from Peel Regional Police. n Five graduates from the 195th Session reunited at the Suffolk PD ‘Bart Hose’ shoot on 9/19/14 in Westhampton, NY on Long Island (see photo on pg. 9). NORTHWEST n Capt. Tom Ladwig , Assistant Chief of the Williston Police De-

partment, Williston, North Da- kota, and a 1981 graduate Session of the FBI NA is retiring after 42 years in law of the 125th

The 258th Session attendees (L-R) are Lt. Jason King (Salisbury Maryland Police Department), Det. Sgt. Justin Todd (Cambridge Maryland Police Dept.), & Major Rob Liberati (Prince George’s Maryland Police Dept.) Not Pictured: Deputy Asst. Rob Kracyla (Delaware Division of Alcohol & Tobacco Enforcement).

Tom Ladwig

enforcement. He has served as Assistant Chief of the Williston PD for the last six years.

OHIO n Laurie Volls Fournier

Scholarship recipients for 2014 are Chance Nelson and Kaitlyn Mueller . Each graduating senior received a $1000.00 scholarship in honor of Laurie Volls Fournier. Congratulations to Past presi- dents Rick Greer , 156th Session, continued on page 9

Annual Crab Feast, Maryland Chapter.


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