USD Magazine Summer 2010

USD MAGAZINE 4 AROUND  THE PARK ll you really need to know about advocacy you learned in kindergarten: Play fair. Respect each other. Say “please” and “thank you.” Those themes resonated in the halls of the State Capitol in early March when USD undergradu- ates Michael Mireles and Mya Keaton (pictured) joined a multi- tude of other students from inde- pendent colleges and universi- ties throughout California to knock on doors and visit with officials. The purpose? To ex-

NOT JUST FREE MONEY Cal Grants help USD undergraduates — and vice versa [ g r a t e f u l ] by Tom Cleary A

Cal Grants. Students delivered a strong, personal message about the difference that Cal Grants have made in their education. “My experience in supporting the Cal Grant goes deeper than free money,” says Mireles. “It’s my gateway to a better future. Without it, I would never have been able to attain the educa- tion I am pursuing (at USD).” Cal Grants are awards made through the California Student Aid Commission to eligible stu- dents from low- and middle-

press their gratitude to legisla- tors and legislative staff mem- bers for the Cal Grant awards they receive, and to advocate for the program’s continued funding. Mireles is known across cam- pus for both his enthusiastic personality and his spiked Mohawk hairstyle. The latter attracted numerous questions, compliments and comments in Sacramento; even Senator Dave Cox ‘66 joked with him about his hair, as well as praising the pair for their advocacy work for


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