USD Women's Soccer 2004
13 #13
Freshman in 2003: Played in 14 of San Diego's 21 games... Started USD's NCAA Tou rnament ma tch aga inst UCLA (11-14).. . Record ed a shot on ne t aga inst Oregon Sta te (8-31). Prep: Attend ed nearby Poway High School... Coll ected All-Pa loma r honors three consecu– ti ve seasons... All-CIF selecti on as a sen ior... Sch olar a thle te as a p rep .. . Uni on Tribun e
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tabbed her as a firs t team All-Aca d emic member as a prep senior. .. Coached by Tom Schwartz a t Poway.
Personal: Born on December 6, 1984... Was also recruited by Ca l State Nor th ri d ge and San Diego Sta te... Ch ose USD fo r the beautiful surroundings and strong academi c p rograms.. . Also lettered in volleyball at Poway High ... Has eight stepb ro thers.
KELLY EMSIEK #7 Freshman in 2003: Played in 9 of 21 To rero matches... Reco rd ed two sho ts on net and scored a goal in a la te-season 3-0 non-confe rence w in over Ca l State No rthridge (10-31)... Only USD frosh to score a goa l. SOPHOMORE•MIDFIEWER
Prep: Attend ed Santa Marga rita HS just north o f Sa n Diego... Helped Santa Margarita claim three con secuti ve Serra Leagu e Ch amp ion – ships ... Co ll ec ted a number of team awar d s w hil e pl ay ing fo r Santa Marga rita, including MVP acco la des a nd Mos t Inspi ra ti on a l honors ... Also competed fo r the West Coast Futbol club team. Personal: Born on Augu st 28, 1985.. . Was recruited by Idaho, West Point and
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Alabama... Chose USD for the loca tion and soccer p rogram ... Daughter of Pam and Gary Emsiek... Fa the r pl ayed tenn is at Idaho.
AMYEPSTEN #10 Prep: Begins her fi rst year at USD a fter an amazing career at the Acad em y of Our Lad y of Peace... Named team MVP and fi rs t-team All-Wes tern League all fou r years ... Ra nks second in San Diego County history with 138 goa ls scored ... All-time leading scorer at Our Lad y of Pea ce ... Named fi rst– team All-County and Wes tern League Player of the Year her seni o r season... Helped lead her club team, the San Diego Surf, to a State Championship... Ea rned Older Girls Co-Player of the Year award with the Surf. Personal: Born on March 31, 1986 in San Diego, Ca lifornia... Chose USD because of its location and size. ELIZABETH CQCI-IRAN" FRESHMAN•FoRWARD #15 Prep: Comes to USD from North Atlanta High School in A tlanta, GA... Earned three straight team MVP honors at North Atlanta... Coached by Bob Davis. Personal: Born on Janua ry 19, 1985 in Atl a nta, Georgia .. . Ch ose USD beca use of its good business school, nice campus and nice wea ther. .. Also le ttered in cross country in high school.
USD WOMEN'S SOCCER NCAA TOURNAMENT APPEARANCES - 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1996
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