USD Women's Soccer 2004



#16 VANESSA VELLA Prep: Begins her firs t season at USO after an excellent ca ree r La Costa Ca nyon H igh School. .. Na med Team MVP her junior season and 'Bes t Defend er ' her seni or season .. . Led La Costa Ca nyon to two CIF Champi onships and three CIF semifina l appearances.. . Coached by Dave Emmerson... Tea m Ca ptain of the 2003 San Diego Su rf Na ti onal Champion club team... Named Surf Soccer Club O lder Girls Co– Player of the Year. Personal: Born on September 29, 1986 in Tarzana, Ca li forni a... Recruited out of high school by Indiana, Boston Coll ege and Clemson ... Chose USO for the loca tion, the soccer team and the peopl e.



j Prep: Comes to USO a fte r lead in g Upl a nd Hi gh School to a 20-1-2 record and a Baseline League Championship in 2003... Ea rned Baseline League and Upl and MVP honors her senior season with 20 goa ls and 13 assists.. . Also named All-San Bernardino County her senior season ... Named MVP of the Baseline League and 'Best Offensive Player' of Upl and her junior season .. . Led the Baseline League in sco rin g both her junior and senior seasons... Ea rned first team All-League and 'Best Offensive Player' honors whil e leading Upl and to the CIF Quarterfinals her sophomore season... Named Upl and Hi gh '---''------'=----..:....;:.-------=:.' ___J . School Rooki e o f the Year. .. Won numerou s tournament titles whil e pl ayi ng fo r the Cla remont Stars club team from 1997-2003... Won the Under 19 'Super' Surf Championship with the Slammers in 2003. Personal: Born on December 26, 1985 in Upl and , Cali fornia.. . Highly recruited out of Upland Hi gh School by Loyola Marymount, Stanfor d , St. Mary's, UC Berke ley and No tre Dame... Chose USO beca u se she loved the beautiful campus and th e soccer p ro– gram... Allison also swam competiti vely for 12 yea rs.

MARYSTURGEON #19 Prep: Comes to USO after an excellent career at Libertyville Community High School in Libertyville, IL. .. Led her team to an Illino is State Championship and two Sectional Champi onships... Ea rned All– Area honors three straight years... Na med All-Confe rence both her junior and seni or seasons... Also m ad e th e A ll-Sec ti on a l tea m he r fin al season .. . Named Playe r of th e Year her jun io r season a nd Defensive Player of the Yea r her seni or season ... Played for the Libertyville Premier club team. Personal: Bo rn on Au gu st 24, 1985 in Waukega n, Illinois... Recruited by Mi ami (Ohio), Valparaiso, Drake, Denison and Carthage... Chose USO beca use o f its aca d emi c reputa tion and Roman Catholic affili ation... Se rved as Libertyville Senior Class Vice-President.. . Member o f the Na tional Honor Soci–

ety.. . Pa rti cipated in Athl etes Committed to Excell ence.

#00 ALISHAFE:RRER Prep: Attended Cornelia Connelly High Schoo l. .. Named team MVP bo th her sophomore and juni or seasons... Also named All-Leagu e her junior season .. . Ea rned the Co rneli a Connelly Coaches' Awa rd ... Coached by Claudia Bech arra. Personal: Born on September 18, 1986 in Anaheim, Ca lifo rnia... Was also rec ruited by UC Irvine... Chose to attend USO beca use of the size, loca tion and overall feeling... Mother Patricia pl ayed college basketba ll at Occi d ental Coll ege.

USD WOMEN'S SOCCER NCAA TOURNAMENT APPEARANCES - 2003, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, 1996

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