WKI Sales Training Feb 2014

Koss' Diagnostic Cytology and Its Histopathologic Bases 5/e Two- Volume Set (Exclusive with Jaypee)

The most influential and frequently cited pathology classic is now in its Fifth Edition, with thoroughly revised chapters and over 3,000 brand-new full-color illustrations. This two-volume work provides comprehensive, current information on the principles and techniques of cytopathology and the cytologic evaluation of benign and malignant disorders at every anatomic site.

Hardback ● 1856Pages ● $411.99 ● 2005 Histology for Pathologists 4/e

A strong grounding in basic histology is essential for all pathologists. However, there had always been a gap between histology and pathology in which histologic information specifically for the pathologist was often lacking. Histology for Pathologists deals with the microscopic features of normal human tissues, from the perspective of the surgical pathologist.

Hardback ● 1328 Pages ● $284.99 ● 2012 Wallach's Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests, 9/e

Wallach's Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests, now in its Ninth Edition, serves as a practical guide to the use of laboratory tests which aids physicians in using tests more effectively and efficiently by offering test outcomes, possible meanings, differential diagnosis, and summaries of tests available.

Paperback ● 1160 Pages ● Rs.1050 ● 2011

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