Microsoft Word - Candidates for 2017 ERP of the Year

Manuscript Title, Submitter and Reviewers 

ERP Decisions / Consensus 

AOAC  Method # 

Title:   Leaner and Greener Analysis of Cannabinoids  Author(s): E Mudge, SJ Murch, PN Brown   ‐Submitted by: Elizabeth Mudge, BCIT  ‐Primary Reviewer:  Holly Johnson, AHPA  ‐Secondary Reviewers:  Christian Sweeney, Cannibistry 

Dissenter comments:   The method seems to fall short of SMPRs and is lacking  sufficient data to support conclusions.  Dissenter explained that this comment is primarily about the oil  samples, and that the method is acceptable with regards to dry  materials.  Regardless, more data on oils would be preferred.    The method author explained that oils were not commercially  available when this study was done and they had to develop this  oil in‐house.    The ERP discussed this and agreed that this issue does not  disqualify the method from meeting SMPR 2017.002,  Quantitation of Cannabinoids in Dried Plant Materials.   The  scope will be clearly stated upon publication.  MOTION to move this method to First Action Official Methods  of Analysis Status (Johnson/Audino)   13 in favor, 0 opposed, 2 abstentions.  The motion passed  


Action Items:     AOAC Staff to prepare ERP report and distribute to method authors and ERP members.    AOAC publications team will work with method authors on publishing the methods in eOMA.    As per discussion, ERP will convene to review collaborative study protocol prior to studies being conducted if requested.

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