USD Magazine, Summer-Fall 1993


Mark J. Riedy, former president of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), has been selected as the first holder of the Ernest W. Hahn Chair of Real Estate Finance at the Uni– versity of San Diego's School of Busi– ness Administration. Riedy comes to USD from the National Council of Community Bankers in Washington, D.C., where he served as president and CEO from 1988 to 1992. He will assume his full-time duties of teaching, dialogue and research in real estate finance in September. "We were fortunate to attract an individual of Dr. Riedy's caliber and experience to launch this important aca– demic chair," said USD President Author E. Hughes. "Ernie Hahn dedicated himself to improving the quality of life in America through superior real estate develop– ment," Hughes added. "The Hahn Chair, under Mark Riedy's guidance, will further that mission." The Hahn Chair was the brainchild of friends and associates of the late Ernest W. Hahn, a national pioneer of commercial real estate development and the first lay chairman of the USD board of trustees until his death Dec. 28. A 23 -member steering committee headed by Daniel F. Mulvihill, chairman of the board and CEO of Pacific South– west Mortgage, is raising $ 1.5 million to create the endowment fund supporting the Hahn Chair.

"After the traumatic decade of the 1980s, the real estate industry continues to undergo revolutionary changes," Mulvi– hill said. "The future of real estate financing demands seri– ous study by our best and brightest minds. The selection of Mark Riedy for this post is an exciting step in that direc– tion." Ronald E. Hahn, chairman

of the board of the LandGrant Develop– ment Co. and a leading member of the steering committee, said the Hahn fami– ly has been enthusiastic about the chair. "My father was an ardent proponent of higher education and of greater profes– sionalism in the real estate industry," he said. "A chair in real estate finance at an institution of higher learning that he deeply loved is a most appropriate trib– ute, and we think Mark Riedy is an excellent choice." Before taking the helm of the National Council of Community Bankers, Riedy was president and chief operating officer of the J.E. Robert Cos., one of the nation's largest real estate workout firms, from 1985 to 1986. At the Federal National Mortgage Associa– tion, where he served as president, chief operating officer and a director, he was responsible for day-to-day management and achievement of profit objectives. Riedy earned his Ph.D. in business economics at the University of Michi– gan-Ann Arbor in 1971. He has held a variety of other positions within the real estate finance industry, including execu– tive vice president and chief operating officer of the Mortgage Bankers Associ– ation of America and vice president and chief economist of the Federal Home

Loan Bank of San Francisco. He also has served as senior staff economist on the President's Council of Economic Advisers and has taught at the Univer– sity of Colorado. He currently serves on the board of directors of St. Vincent de Paul Village in San Diego. Riedy will be responsible for devel– oping a major program in real estate finance at the USD School of Business Administration. Ultimately, with the Hahn Chair as a catalyst, the university plans to establish a center for the study of real estate finance that will serve as a valuable regional resource for the indus– try and the business community.



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