ECCB 2014-2015 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts


Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements March 31, 2015 Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements March 31, 2015 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) March 31, 2015

(expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) 27. Salaries, pensions and other staff benefits 27. Salaries, pensions and other staff benefits Salaries, pensions and other staff benefits


2015 $ 2015 $

2014 $ 2014 $

25,420,099 2,423,000 919,424 25 0 99 2,423 000 919 424 76,060 58,389 76 060 58,389 28,896,972 28,896,972

Salaries, wages and other benefits Salaries, wages and other benefits Pension (note 21) Social security Pension (note 21) Soci l s curity Prepaid employee benefit Prepa d employee benefit Vacation leave Vacation leave

26,562,235 3,365,000 967,812 26 5 2 235 3,3 5 000 967 812 89,134 (134,907) 89 134 (134,907) 30,849,274 30,849,274

Total salaries, pensions and other staff benefits Total salaries, pensions and other staff benefits

28. Administrative and general expenses 28. Administrative and general expenses Administrative and general expenses


2015 $ 2015 $

2014 $ 2014 $

7,297,771 5,723,211 2,941,225 1,098,923 633,049 786,598 717,732 656,991 283,109 301,725 405,513 578,762 398,275 269,013 795,614 7 297 77 5 723 11 2 941 2 5 1,098 923 633 049 86 598 717 732 656 991 283 109 3 1 725 405 513 57 762 398 275 269 0 3 795 614 86 720 99 388 41 4 5 10 673 108 8 1 65 199 86,720 199,388 141,475 110,673 108,891 65,199 77,448 54,088 59,632 10,800 77 44 4 088 59 632 10,800 23,801,825 23,801,825

General supplies and services Professional and consulting fees Gen ral supplies and services Professional and consulting fees Utilities expenses Utilities expenses Travel tickets, accommodation and subsistence Trav l tick ts, accommodation and subsistence Conference and meetings Contribution to ECSRC ference and meetings Co ribution to ECSRC Supervisory and regulatory expenses Supervisory and regulatory expenses Contingencies Staff vacation grant Repairs and maintenance Contingencies Staff vacation grant R p irs and maintenance Training, recruitment and resettlement Traini g, r cruitment and resettlement Insurance expense Advertising and promotion Other staff expenses and amenities Insurance expense Advertising and promotion Oth r st ff expenses and amenities Legal fees Legal fees Cafeteria subsidy Community outreach Affiliate groups Printing and postage Special projects Subscriptions and fees afeteria subsidy Community outreach Affil ate groups Print ng and postage pecial r jects Subscrip s and ees Contribution to staff association Directors' travel and subsistence Contribution to staff association Directors' travel and subsistence Total administrative and general expenses Total administrative and general expenses Rental Expense Telephone costs R ntal Expen e Telephone costs

6,991,245 4,622,465 2,605,384 817,166 807,508 739,676 710,361 681,886 672,346 474,611 466,023 461,946 401,294 363,446 318,804 188,526 168,803 132,302 123,890 102,825 79,159 57,087 53,601 47,327 12,800 6 991 24 4 22 465 2,605 384 1 166 807 508 39 676 710 361 81 88 6 2 346 74 611 6 023 6 946 401 294 63 446 31 804 8 526 68 8 3 32 302 23 90 102 825 79 159 7 087 53,601 47 327 12,800 22,100,481 22,100,481



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