ECCB 2014-2015 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts


•  • Executing standard work programme activities which involve the production of the Annual Economic and Financial Review for 2014 and the Quarterly Economic and Financial Reviews for 2015, participate in technical missions to member states and provide advice on policy matters through the production of policy briefs and sector work; •  • Preparing joint reports for the member countries using the Financial Programming and Debt Sustainability Analysis Reporting Framework; •  • Participating in a CARTAC Sponsored Boot Camp, during May 2015; •  • Assisting the member countries in the preparation and implementation of fiscal and debt management programmes; and •  • Working closely with the Bank Supervision Department in the implementation of the Bank Resolution Strategy aimed at strengthening the financial sector. S tatistics Some areas of focus for the DMAS Project in the upcoming financial year are: •  • Standardisation of Public Debt Statistics in the ECCU; •  • Upgraded Debt Databases and training on the new version of the CS-DRMS software; •  • Regional Strategy for Debt Relief and Debt Sustainability; and •  • Continued utilisation of debt management tools such as Medium Term Debt Strategies, Debt Portfolio Reviews and Debt Sustainability Analyses.

During the financial year 2015/2016 the following will be undertaken: •  • Implementing Phase II of the SAS Statistical Enterprise Solution which will focus on incorporating the revised commercial bank prudential returns and will expand the database to include data submitted by the non-bank financial institutions regulated by the ECCB; and •  • Implementing the recommendations of the 2008 SNA that are applicable to the ECCU and rebasing the national accounts commencing with the move to ISIC Rev 4, which is a newer classification system for the national accounts statistics.


C onferences and S eminars The Bank will host the following conferences: •  • 20 th Sir Arthur Lewis Memorial Lecture on 4 November 2015 •  • 26 th Annual Commercial Banks Conference during 5-6 November 2015 •  • OECS Essay Competition Regional Discussion

C orporate R elations The Bank will:

•  • Expand networks, deepen collaboration with partners and develop stakeholder relationships through training and the development of initiatives;



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