ECCB 2014-2015 Annual Report and Statement of Accounts


3. Financial risk management …continued b) Credit risk …continued (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars) March 31, 2015 NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Eastern Caribbean Currency Union $ United States of America and Canada $ Europe and other territories $ Regional states $ Total $ Balances with other central banks - 880,023 638,128 11,516,451 13,034,602 Balances with foreign banks - 73,225 - - 73,225 Money market instruments and money at call - 1,105,531,508 252,028,774 - 1,357,560,282 Financial assets held for trading - 1,265,515 3,230,136 - 4,495,651 Available-for-sale - foreign investment securities - 1,543,882,575 996,060,132 - 2,539,942,707 Balances with local banks 2,464,446 - - - 2,464,446 Due from local banks 9,572,418 - - - 9,572,418 Term deposits – domestic 11,022,652 - - - 11,022,652 3. Financial risk management …continued b) Credit risk …continued

34 Loans and receivables - participating governments’ securities 100,225,950 - - - 100,225,950 Loans and receivables - participating governments’ advances 67,490,727 - - - 67,490,727 Accounts receivable 7,060,234 - - 3,289 7,063,523 Available-for-sale - domestic investment securities - - - 421,686 421,686 197,836,427 2,651,632,846 1,251,957,170 11,941,426 4,113,367,869

The following table breaks down the Bank’s main credit exposure at the carrying amounts, as categorised by geographical regions as of March 31, 2015. In this table, the Bank has allocated exposure to regions based on the country of domicile of the counterparties. Geographical concentration of financial assets As of March 31, 2015 The following table breaks down the Bank’s main credit exposure at the carrying amounts, as categorised by geographical regions as of March 31, 2015. In this table, the Bank has allocated exposure to regions based on the country of domicile of the counterparties. Geographical concentration of financial assets

Eastern Caribbean Central Bank Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements March 31, 2015 (expressed in Eastern Caribbean dollars)



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