HHH Brochure 2019


PREPARING YOUNG PEOPLE FOR THE FUTURE OF WORK Entrepreneurs are a vital part of South Africa's economic and social survival, but entrepreneurial skills development is poorly supported by the current schooling system. Using a project-based learning approach , the WESSA Head, Heart, Hands (Triple H) Programme implements a model for practical high school entrepreneurship education . We support high school learners to start and run their own businesses , from conceptualisation to the market and back to the drawing board to make improvements. Through this practical experience, teenagers gain and enhance critical soft and technical skills that they need to competitively pursue entrepreneurship or enter the workplace once they leave school.


L e a r n b y d o i n g

G r o w t h

B u s i n e s s c l u b

E c o - b u s i n e s s

Learners have the opportunity to start a business club and benefit from workshops, seminars, support visits, enterprise exhibition and prizes.

Support to identify and build a social enterprise or eco- business for sustainable South African communities.

Growth in confidence, soft skills and peer- and support networks.

An opportunity to use curriculum learning in a practical way.


32% U n e m p l o y m e n t r a t e

60% D o n o t fi n d j o b s

70% L e a v e s c h o o l b e f o r e m a t r i c

25% F a i l m a t r i c

South Africa has the most unequal society in the world

ENTREPRENEURSHIP EDUCATION The WESSA Triple H Programme implements a locally relevant and environmentally sustainable model for high school entrepreneurship education in South Africa. Learners leave the programme being better equipped with the skills they need to competitively pursue entrepreneurship or enter the workplace once they leave school.

More than 50% live in poverty

60% Have no employable skills Up to

SMMEs 21-40% of GDP Contribute to

60% E m p l o y 6 0 % o f t h e w o r k f o r c e

Impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution


Learners exit the programme being able to apply an empowered, entrepreneurial mindset to solve problems, create local solutions and identify opportunities for sustainable enterprise , creating the foundation for them to become the leaders and problem-solvers of tomorrow.

#PeopleCaringForTheEarth CONTACT US

What learners gain from project-based learning:

to find out more or involve your high school learners in the programme

Finding the best way to understand and solve problems through research, logical deduction and iterative learning

PROJECT- BASED LEARNING M u l t i p l e l e a r n i n g t e c h n i q u e s

Lutfiyah Suliman Project Manager Tel 011 462 5663 Cell 066 073 9104 Email Lutfiyah.Suliman@wessa.co.za Donavan Fullard General Manager Schools & Youth Tel 011 462 5663 Cell 076 790 4989 Email Donavan.Fullard@wessa.co.za

Improving interpersonal skills, communication skills and self-awareness

Understanding how to change their approach after encountering failure

M u l t i p l e p r o b l e m - s o l v i n g a p p r o a c h e s

T e a m w o r k


The project is being piloted in the Gauteng region, and offers easily adaptable and scalable models for implementation with or without teacher support.

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