November 3, 2020 Candidate Packet - Flipping Book Version

Campaign Expenditure Report Filing: Candidates with a committee file Form 460 as follows:

Filing Deadline

Type of Statement/ Form

Period Covered by Statement


●All committees must file Form 460

July 31, 2020

Semi- Annual 460

(See FPPC Filing Schedule) – *__ thru 6/30/20

●File if a contribution of $1,000 or more in the aggregate is received from a single source. ●File if a contribution of $1,000 or more in the aggregate is made to another candidate or measure being voted upon November 3, 2020. ●The recipient of a non -monetary contribution of $1,000 or more must file a Form 497 within 48 hours from the time the contribution is received. ●File by personal delivery, e -mail, guaranteed overnight service, fax or online , if available. ●Each Candidate listed on the ballot must file Form 460 or Form 470. ● All committee must file Form 460. ●File by personal delivery, guaranteed overnight service or online , if available. ●All committees must file Form 460 unless the committee filed termination Forms 410 and 460 before December 31, 2020.

Within 24 hours Contribution Reports


8/5/20 – 11/3/20

September 24, 2020

1 st Pre-Election 460 or 470 2 nd Pre-Election 460

7/1/20 – 9/19/20

October 22, 2022

9/20/20 – 10/17/20

February 1, 2021

Semi Annual 460

10/18/20 - 12/31/20

PLEASE REFER TO THE FAIR POLITICAL PRACTICES COMMISSION FILING DEADLINES AND ASSOCIATED INSTRUCTIONS INCLUDED IN THE CANDIDATE’S PACKET FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. Note: There is only one Form 460 in your packet for your review. All Form 460s must be filed through Netfile, the City’s electronic filing system. The Deputy City Clerk will provide you with additional information and instructions on how to file your Form 460s in the City’s Netfile system. It is the candidate’s responsibility to make and keep a copy of the statements for their records.

7 S:\Elections\2020\11-03-20 Municipal Election\Candidate Packet Contents\General Filing Instructions 11-3-20.Doc

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