November 3, 2020 Candidate Packet - Flipping Book Version

Fair Political Practices Commission Electronic Filing of Campaign Disclosure Statements County Ordinance No. NS-300.857 (revised 5/13/14) amends existing provisions regarding the electronic filing of campaign statements with the Office of the Registrar of Voters to include specified persons and committees for which the Office of the Registrar of Voters is the Filing Officer. Those disclosure statements to be filed electronically using the NetFile platform ( include:  Semi-annual Campaign Statements (Form 460 and Form 470);  Pre-election Campaign Statements (Form 460 and Form 470);  Amendments to Previously Filed Campaign Statements;  Supplemental Pre-election Campaign Statement (Supplemental Form 460);  Contributions Received by or Made to Candidates or Local Ballot Measure Committees of $1,000 or More, from a Single Source, in the 90 Days Before or on the Date of an Election (Form 497); and,  Late Independent Expenditures Made in Support of or Against Candidates or Local Ballot Measure Committees of $1,000 or More, from a Single Source, in the 90 Days Before or on the Date of an Election (Form 496). Filings of paper copies are not required for statements that are filed electronically with the Office of the Registrar of Voters pursuant to this ordinance. In light of the statewide shelter-in-place order, the Office of the Registrar of Voters understands the unique and extraordinary situation caused by our united efforts to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. While we acknowledge the legal nature of filing requirements and deadlines, we recognize offices around the State are closed and the stay at home directive means the filing of campaign statements and reports will be difficult. The law requires certain statements and reports be filed with original signatures. We recognize restrictions imposed to fight the spread of COVID-19 may make the logistics of filing documents on paper with original signatures difficult or even impossible. To the extent that is the case, candidates and committees are encouraged to make use of digital and electronic options for filing statements and reports to ensure the timely filing of statements and reports (e.g. email and fax filing, scanned and/or photocopied signatures, electronic signatures, etc.). Paper statements with originals would need to be filed when feasible. If circumstances caused by COVID-19 inhibit a candidate’s or committee’s ability to timely file statements and reports, candidates and committees should communicate these issues to their filing officers and document all attempts to file and the issues faced. Contact the Candidate Services Division at (408) 299-8639 for more information regarding electronic filing requirements and assistance with establishing a committee’s profile using the NetFile platform. Additional information is available online at


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