SALTA 1st grade

Assessment Options: Topic 4 Assessment – Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies (print or online) Topic 4 Performance Assessment – Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies Team Created Assessment

District Wide Standards-Based Assessment #1 (Window: October 29 – November 12)

Assessment Tasks – Topic 4

Procedural Check

Application Task


Kayla earned 5 stickers from her teacher on Monday and 3 stickers from her teacher on Tuesday. Bryce earned 3 stickers from his teacher on Monday and 5 stickers on Tuesday. Kayla says they have the same number of stickers. Is she correct?

Explain why or why not using pictures, numbers and/or words. (DOK 3)

(DOK 1)

Write the missing number that makes the number sentence true? 6 + 2 = _______ + 6 ______ + 3 = 3 + 4 (DOK 1)

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