SALTA 1st grade



Mrs. King has 4 chocolate chip cookies, 5 Oreo cookies, and 6 gingersnaps. How many cookies does Mrs. King have?

Draw or write an equation to prove your answer. (DOK 3)


Write the missing number that makes the number sentence true? 8 + 4 = _______ + 8 ______ + 3 = 3 + 9 (DOK 1)

9 + 8 = 8 + 9

Write or draw to tell why this is true. (DOK 3)


Write an expression that matches the groups on each plate. If the plate has the same amount of fruit, write the equal sign between the expressions.

(DOK 2)

(DOK 1)

6 + ? = 9 – 1

Look at the number sentence in the box. What number will make that number sentence true? ? = ____ Draw a picture to prove your answer. (DOK 3)


This is a skill-based task. There is no problem task associated with it.

What goes with 2 to make 5? 2 + ☐ = 5 What goes with 3 to make 6? 3 + ☐ = 6 What goes with 4 to make 9? 4 + ☐ = 9 (DOK 1)

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