SALTA 1st grade

Standard 1.MD.5 Identify the values of pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters and know their comparative values. ( For example, a dime is of greater value than a nickel.) Use appropriate notation to designate a coin’s value

13-1 Tell the Value of Coins 13-2 Find the Value of a Group of Coins 13-3 Understand the Hour and Minute Hands 13-4 Tell and Write Time to the Hour 13-5 Tell and Write Time to the Half Hour 13-6 Problem Solving: Reasoning 3-ACT MATH Drip Dry

• Quarter • penny • hour • hour hand • minute • minute hand • o’clock • half hour

Topic 13 Manipulatives • Play coins • $1 bills • Hundreds chart • Analog clock

Assessment Options: Topic 13 Assessment – Time and Money (print or online) Topic 13 Performance Assessment – Time and Money Team Created Assessment

Assessment Tasks – Topic 13

Procedural Check

Application Task


Copy a page of blank clocks or a page with some clocks filled in (with either the analog or the digital time). Student will fill in the missing information. (DOK 1)

Your friend in kindergarten hasn’t learned to tell time yet. He can describe where the hands are, but you need to help him know what time it is. For example: The long hand is on the 12, the short hand is on the 4. What time is it? The hour hand is half way between the 7 and the 8. The minute hand is on the 6. What time is it? Write to explain how you know. (DOK 2) If I have 5 pennies then it is equal to having a ______________ . If I have 5 pennies then it is less than a _______________. If I have 5 pennies then it is greater than ____________ .


Erin emptied her piggy bank and the following coins came out. Identify each coin and its value.

Prove with coins, pictures, words or numbers that your answers are true. (DOK 3)

(DOK 1)

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