Minprint Showroom

design & sign studios engagement point 2

production studio engagement point 4

The design & sign studios are the creative hubs for all our sign and display products; this is where we bring your ideas to life. Our large format designer Neil has fantastic ideas for display and to see how we can help you stand out and get noticed. Pop into the design studio to see what Neil is working on, and if you have any design ideas you'd like to discuss, he'll be happy to help. ΖI \RX UH ORRNLQJ IRU VKRS IURQW VLJQDJH RU vehicle branding, pop in for a chat with our VLJQDJH GLUHFWRU $QG\ DQG KH FDQ JLYH \RX KLV H[SHUW DGYLFH RQ WKH EHVW RSWLRQV We also have a full design team based at Minprint HQ on Castlereagh Road, specialising in branding, marketing materials, printed publications and business stationery. Our team has the skills, experience and creativity to bring a new dimension to the way you present your business. printeriors engagement point 3 Printed interiors opens up a world of possibilities as you can simply print whatever you like onto your wall covering. Check out our printed wallpaper in the showroom and try out our HP wall art app following our easy to use guide. Quick Tip: Don’t forget to feel the wall as one part is printed onto a textured wallpaper, and the other is printed onto smooth wallpaper. :H KDYH FRQWLQXHG WKH WURSLFDO WKHPH LQWR RXU VPDOO NLWFKHQ DQG : &

This is where it all happens. From printing to cutting to wrapping to building, this is ZKHUH \RX OO EH DEOH WR VHH IRU \RXUVHOI ZKDW we can create. 2XU ()Ζ 9XWHN ȵDWEHG 89 SULQWHU LV WKH ȴUVW RI its kind in Ireland, giving us the unique ability to print on materials that are up to 3.2m wide. :H DOVR KDYH DQ (VNR GLJLWDO FXWWLQJ WDEOH which can cut any of our substrates to a bespoke shape in no time! :H DOVR KDYH D UDQJH RI RWKHU SULQWHUV IRU printing and cutting vinyl labels, car decals and small run items.

engagement point 5

branding bay

Vehicle branding has the best return on investment rate of any type of advertising - why not make your car do the work for you?

Interested in trying it out for yourself? Have a go at applying some car decals for yourself -go head to head with Stuart to try and win some prizes!

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