Speech Pathology in Schools Resources 2017

Best practice models and support for SLCN in schools

recently clarified in General Comment No. 4 (UN CRPD, 2016). In Australia, these rights are operationalised within the Disability Standards for Education (Australian Government, 2005). Each person’s unique characteristics, interests, strengths and needs in learning give rise to the need for education systems and schools to respond to diversity in such a way that enable access and opportunities for all students. A commitment to inclusive education supports the General Comment No. 4 (UN CRPD, 2016, p. 3) outlines nine core features of inclusive education: 1. A “whole systems” approach to changes in institutional culture, policies and practices. 2. A “whole educational environment” commitment where educational leaders introduce and embed inclusive culture, policies and practices that will facilitate inclusive education within all areas of the school and school community. 3. A “whole person” approach, where high expectations are the norm for all students and flexibility within pedagogy and curriculum is responsive to student needs. 4. Teacher and all other staff are supported in receiving the education and training they need to support the core values of inclusive education and to work collaboratively with others. 5. Valuing and respect for diversity, as well as listening to and responding to the needs of students. 6. Building positive school communities and inclusive school environments. 7. Implementing reasonable adjustments to learning and assessment to ensure equity. Also, facilitating effective transitions beyond school into work or further study development of inclusive societies. The features of inclusive education

Inclusive education is a principle that: • values the well-being and unique contribution of every student; • acknowledges individual requirements to access and participate in an equitable education; • recognises the ability of every person to be included both at school and in society more generally (UN CRPD, 2016); and is central to the achievement of high- quality education, equity and excellence for all (Ministerial Council on Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs, 2008). The international evidence indicates that evidence-based practice in inclusive education involves consideration support for the individual student as well as external/environmental modifications. Inclusive education is an ongoing process and proactive commitment to responding to the needs of all students by eliminating barriers to a students’ presence, access to and achievement in education (UN CRPD, 2016; UNESCO, 2017). Inclusion is not integration, nor mainstreaming, where groups of diverse students (including students with disability) are simply present in “regular” classrooms (Carrington & Elkins, 2002). Furthermore, it is not segregation, where students with diverse needs (including students with disability) are educated in separate environments designed or used to respond to their impairments. Effective inclusion for all students requires a cultural, policy and practice shift for both school systems and school communities. Inclusion is a process of responding to diversity, where educators and school communities strive to identify and remove all barriers to access, and optimise learning opportunities for all (Ainscow, 2004; Ballard, 1999). Why we are promoting inclusive education? Inclusive education is a fundamental human right, as has been described in Article 24 of The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (United Nations, 2006), and

8. Recognition of partnerships external

organisations, parents/caregivers and the broader community.


Speech Pathology Australia: Speech Pathology in Schools Project

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