Finding the Facts - Disciplinary and Harassment Investigation

h. Sample Questions for Most Circumstances:

i. Questions for the Complainant:

 What did [the alleged harasser] do that you found to be harassing? Are there any others? Is that every incident you can remember?

When did each incident occur?

Where did each incident occur?

 Was anyone else present when each incident occurred? Who?

Is that everyone?

 Are you aware of the District’s policies on harassment and discrimination?

What are they?

 Did you tell anyone else about each incident?

 Who else did you tell about each incident?

 When did you tell each other person about each incident?

 What did you tell each person about each incident?

 Aside from the conduct that you are now complaining about, has [the alleged harasser] done anything else that you found to be harassing?  Aside from the conduct that you are now complaining about, has anyone else done anything that you found to be harassing?

 How did you respond to [the alleged harasser] after each incident?

 If you responded to [the alleged harasser], what did [the alleged harasser] do in response to your statements?

 If you did not respond to [the alleged harasser], why not?

 If you did not respond to [the alleged harasser] at the time of the incident, have you ever followed up with [the alleged harasser] to discuss the incident?  Have you ever witnessed [the alleged harasser] act in the same manner towards another employee?  Have you ever heard that [the alleged harasser] acted in the same manner towards another employee?

If so, when did the incident occur?

When did you learn of the incident?

 Do you know if the incident was ever reported to a supervisor?

Disciplinary and Harassment Investigations ©2019 (e) Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 40

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