Finding the Facts - Disciplinary and Harassment Investigation


Example 1


“We discussed where to go for dinner.”

Investigator: “Let me ask you about some preliminaries to be sure I understand the context and content of the conversation.

- Where did this conversation take place? - When did this conversation take place? - Who was present? - Do you remember the content of the conversation? - Who initiated the conversation? - What did he say?

- What was your response? - What did he say next?”

Example 2


“He brushed up against my butt.”

Investigator: “I would like to know a little more about what happened leading up to the touching.

- Where were you standing when he touched you? - Where was he standing when he touched you?

- Was he trying to move around you (e.g., tight quarters)? - Was there anything blocking his path to move around you? - Was anyone else standing around? - What did you say when he touched you? - What did he say in response?”

Example 3


“She told me her husband would be out of town over the weekend.”

Investigator: “Just so I understand the context of the statement, I would like to ask a few preliminary questions.

- Where did the conversation take place? - When did the conversation take place? - What were you discussing just before she made the statement? - Did she ask what you were doing over the weekend? - Did she tell you what she planned to do over the weekend? - Was anyone else present during the conversation? - Have you ever talked about weekend plans before? - Have you ever met with her for a social event over the weekend before?

Disciplinary and Harassment Investigations ©2019 (e) Liebert Cassidy Whitmore 56

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