Arctic World Archive - Deposit Summary





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Other deposits

Digitized paintings of the Norwegian painter Edward Much (e.g. The Scream) from The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design of Norway

• Historical movies from the city archives of Drammen

• A collection of the most important audio/video record- ings of the unforgettable Renata Tebaldi (a great Italian opera diva) • “Bhagavad Gita” – a more than 2200 years old Indian manuscript of Hindu tradition in terms of both literature and philosophy • Minna Alaluusua, Contemporary artist and Master of Arts preserved valuable photographs (some model and artwork photos) in digital and visual format • Collection of some of the most valuable archival informa- tion (documents and photos) in Mexico

The manuscript of the "Divine Comedy" (La Divi- na Commedia) by Dante Alighieri, masterpiece of the 14th century Italian literature from the Vatican Library

Photographic material fromAlinari’s huge and prestigious archives (Alinari is the oldest company

in the world in the field of photography)

The history of Pele, Carlos Alberto Torres, Zico and Brazil’s World Class Players preserved to inspire our future athletes – a deposit made by the Brazilian Football Confederation

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