MEA Catalogue


Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 9th Edition Bessie Marquis and Carol Huston Help your students develop the skills they’ll need on the job with today’s #1 bestseller. Taking an active learning approach, this Ninth Edition emphasizes the symbiotic elements of leadership and management. All professional nurses today face limited resources and emerging technologies, and this book prepares students through up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of leadership and management concepts, ranging from managing conflict and working collaboratively to organizing patient care and staffing. 978-1-4963-6140-0 / 768 pp / Feb 2017

Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 8th Edition Bessie Marquis and Carol Huston

This Eighth Edition of Leadership Roles and Management Function in Nursing , the #1-selling textbook for the course, helps BSN-level students develop the skills they will need on the job—from organizing patient care and motivating staff to managing conflict and working collaboratively. Over 240 case studies are drawn from a variety of health care settings. The Eighth Edition provides a stronger focus on leadership and evidence-based decision making and includes updated coverage of a wide range of new topics, including patient safety and quality, health care financing (ObamaCare), the impact of technology on health care and more.

978-1-4698-5571-4 / 624 pp / 25 illus, 75 tables / 2014


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