MEA Catalogue


Applied Therapeutics, 11th Edition Caroline Zeind 978-1-4963-5379-5 / 2000 pp / Nov 2017

Koda-Kimble and Young’s Applied Therapeutics, 10th Edition Brian Alldredge, Robin Corelli, Michael Ernst, Joseph Guglielmo, Pamala Jacobson, Wayne Kradjan and Bradley Williams

This widely used text uses a case-based approach to help students master the fundamentals of drug therapeutics. Students will learn the basics of common diseases and disorders and develop practical problem-solving skills for devising and implementing successful drug treatment regimens. Case studies integrated into each chapter illustrate key concepts and principles of therapeutics and give students practice in developing their own evidence- based therapeutic plans. 978-1-4511-7576-9 / 2560 pp / 2012

Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems, 11th Edition Lloyd Allen 978-1-4963-4728-2 / 612 pp / Oct 2017

Ansel’s Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems, 10th Edition Lloyd Allen and Howard Ansel

Succeed in your course with the most comprehensive source on pharmaceutical dosage forms and drug delivery systems available today. Reflecting the CAPE, APhA, and NAPLEX® competencies, this trusted resource covers physical pharmacy, pharmacy practice, pharmaceutics, compounding, and dosage forms and the clinical application of the various dosing forms in patient care. The 10th edition features a dynamic new full color design, new coverage of prescription flavoring and additional coverage of expiration dates. 978-1-4698-5568-4 / 832 pp / 2013


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