MEA Catalogue


Medical Transcription Fundamentals, 2nd Edition Diane Gilmore

Medical Transcription Fundamentals provides a strong foundation for students and practitioners in an accessible, conversational style. The text outlines the responsibilities associated with the occupation, covers the specific knowledge, skills, and education needed, and provides a conceptual understanding of general medical terms and various medical specialties in a way that is easily remembered. 978-1-6091-3866-0 / 688 pp / 102 illus / 2012

Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy, 4th Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 978-1-4963-7407-3 / 424 pp / Nov 2017

Nursing Facts Made Incredibly Quick, 3rd Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 978-1-4963-7278-9 / 204 pp / Aug 2017

Studying A Study and Testing a Test: Reading Evidence-based Health Research, 6th Edition Richard Riegelman

Evidence-based information plays a critical role in clinical practice decisions. Secondary sources are often unreliable; it’s up to the student, then, to critically assess peer-reviewed research literature. Using a highly structured yet accessible method, this best-selling text teaches students to critically analyze research from primary sources. Step-by-step approach– learn to recognize a meaningful study, clues to potential study flaws, and ways to apply solid evidence in clinical practice. 978-0-7817-7426-0 / 340 pp / 56 illus, 27 tables / 2012


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