MEA Catalogue


Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, 28th Edition Stedman’s

Thoroughly reviewed and updated, Stedman’s Medical Dictionary, Twenty- Eighth Edition is the most reliable resource for healthcare, including medical students, physicians, educators, researchers, and medical language specialists. This new edition includes more than 107,000 terms and definitions, more than 5,000 new to this edition. More than 45 consultants from all the major medical and health science specialties have reviewed each word for accuracy and clarity, including new consultants for endocrinology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, and rheumatology. 978-0-7817-3390-8 / 2100 pp / 1500 illus / 2005

Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions, 2nd Edition Stedman’s

Be it dentistry, dental assisting, or dental hygiene, this is the go-to resource for all students and professionals in the dental field. This dictionary contains definitions for over 16,000 terms relevant to all dental professions, including dentistry, and includes more than 500 illustrations—most in full color—and a full-color, glossy oral conditions and disorders insert. Also included with the purchase is a free three-month subscription to Stedman’s Online: Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Dental Professions. 978-1-6083-1146-0 / 704 pp / 500 illus / 2011

Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, 7th Edition Stedman’s

Featuring more than 56,000 entries, this thoroughly updated Seventh Edition contains the medical terminology used in more than 30 of today’s fastest growing health profession areas—plus comprehensive inclusion of entries suited for the nursing field. The book includes 1,000 enriched color images and photographs, a glossy insert with detailed images by Anatomical Chart Company, more than 65 appendices, and cut thumb tabs for quick A-to-Z reference. More than 70 leading consultants from health professions and nursing contributed to the enhancements of this edition. 978-1-6083-1692-2 / 2439 pp / 502 illus, 54 tables / 2011


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