MEA Catalogue


Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Visual! 2nd Edition Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Cardiovascular Care Made Incredibly Visual! offers an innovative visual approach to mastering the principles and practice of cardiovascular care. Hundreds of detailed color photographs, diagrams, charts, and other visual aids clarify essential cardiovascular anatomy and physiology and guide nurses through all current physical assessment techniques, diagnostic tests, treatments, emergency procedures, cardiac monitoring methods, and more. 978-1-6083-1339-6 / 256 pp / 620 illus / 2010

Cardiac Nursing, 6th Edition Susan Woods, Enka Sivarajan Froelicher, Sandra Motzer and Elizabeth Bridges

Cardiac Nursing is considered the “gold standard” reference for nurses caring for patients who have or are at risk for developing cardiac disease. This publication is included on the ANCC: American Nurses Credentialing Center’s reference list. Cardiac Nursing is recognized as “The Red Reference Book” for nurses caring for patients who have, or are at risk for developing, cardiac diseases. The book provides both basic and advanced content in evidence- based care and emphasizes health promotion, health maintenance, and disease management. 978-0-7817-9280-6 / 960 pp / 475 illus, 181 tables / 2009

Care Planning & Documentation

Nursing Care Plans and Documentation, 7th Edition Lynda Carpenito

Focusing on the most important nursing care plans for practice, this updated edition of Carpenito’s practical resource helps students learn how to create nursing care plans, effectively document care, and build clinical reasoning and decision-making skills. To help achieve quality outcomes and prevent adverse events, care plans identify individuals who are at high risk for falls, pressure ulcers, and infection and prepare the individual/family for transition to home or another facility. A user-friendly organization splits Collaborative Problems and Nursing Diagnosis in each chapter and organizes care plans by Medical Conditions, Surgical Procedures, and Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures.

978-1-4963-4926-2 / 1031 pp / Feb 2017


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