MEA Catalogue


Community and Public Health

Community as Partner: Theory and Practice in Nursing, 7th Edition Elizabeth Anderson and Judith McFarlane

Providing a practical framework for professional nursing practice in the community, Community as Partner, 7th Edition helps students and practicing nurses develop the knowledge and skills they need to develop true partnerships with communities. User-friendly, well written, and clearly organised, this award-winning book focuses on the nursing process, community assessment, and the development of community health programs.
 978-1-4511-9093-9 / 408 pp / 2014

Introduction to Community Based Nursing, 5th Edition Roberta Hunt

This text presents foundational concepts pivotal to delivering nursing care in the community setting, with specific attention to the NLN competencies for community-based nursing care. The author examines the variety of settings and situations in which the community-based nurse provides care, highlighting cultural diversities in the patient populations, and emphasizing interactions

between the individual and the family. 978-1-6091-3686-4 / 482 pp / 114 illus / 2012

Community and Public Health Nursing, 9th Edition Cherie Rector

This student-friendly, highly visual text expands students’ viewpoints from the client- nurse relationship to a population focus. Acknowledging that population-focused tools and interventions are needed in acute care, as infection rates continue to rise and nurse- sensitive outcome indictors are closely monitored, Cherie Rector weaves in meaningful, real-life examples, case studies, and perspectives to help students understand that transitions in care are critical in today’s healthcare system. 978-1-4963-7449-3 / 1248 pp / Feb 2017


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