MEA Catalogue


Communication Skills for the Healthcare Professional Laurie McCorry and Jeff Mason

Communication Skills for the Healthcare Professional is a comprehensive yet compact guide to learning essential communication skills that will prepare students for success as healthcare professionals. Intended to supplement the clinical coursework students complete in the first one to two years of all allied health programs, the book uses a broad range of examples, role plays, and scenarios from virtually every healthcare field, enabling both instructors and students to use it as an essential resource for mastering any area-specific communication skill. Each chapter provides students with objective and short-answer questions to test comprehension of the material, as well as more complex clinical applications that encourage students to develop the critical thinking skills they will need every day as professionals in the healthcare industry. 978-1-5825-5814-1 / 256 pp / 30 illus, 15 tables / 2011

Textbook of Basic Nursing, 11th Edition Caroline Rosdahl and Mary Kowalski

Fully updated, this Eleventh Edition of Textbook of Basic Nursing covers all areas of the curriculum, including Anatomy & Physiology, Fundamentals, Skills, Adult Health, Growth and Development, Mental Health, Maternity and Pediatrics, and Geriatric Considerations. Based on the NCLEX-PN framework, this engaging and comprehensive text provides everything students need to succeed, including short chapters with easy-to-understand content, striking photos and illustrations that bring the content to life, and a wide range of practice-oriented, mastery-focused learning tools both in the book and online, and an available hands-on workbook.

978-1-4698-9420-1 / 2024 pp / 450 illus / 2016


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