MEA Catalogue



Burton’s Microbiology for the Health Sciences, 10th Edition Paul Engelkirk

Burton’s Microbiology for the Health Sciences , has a clear and friendly writing style that emphasizes the relevance of microbiology to a career in the health professions, the Tenth Edition offers a dramatically updated art program, new case studies that provide a real-life context for the content, the latest information on bacterial pathogens, an unsurpassed array of online teaching

and learning resources, and much more. 978-1-4511-8634-5 / 496 pp / 285 illus / 2014

Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology, 3rd Edition Richard Harvey and Cynthia Cornelissen A MUST READ for mastering essential concepts in microbiology

Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology, Third Edition enables rapid review and assimilation of large amounts of complex information about medical microbiology. The book has the hallmark features for which Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews volumes are so popular: an outline format, 450 full-color illustrations, end-of-chapter summaries, review questions, plus an entire section of clinical case studies with full-color illustrations. 978-1-6091-3999-5 / 448 pp / 475 illus, 30 tables / 2012


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